
Welcome to the Kittn API! You can use our API to access Kittn API endpoints, which can get information on various cats, kittens, and breeds in our database.

We have language bindings in Shell, Ruby, and Python! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

This example API documentation page was created with DocuAPI, a multilingual documentation theme for the static site generator Hugo.


To authorize, use this code:

package main

import ""

func main() {
	api := auth.Authorize("meowmeowmeow")

	// Just to make it compile
	_ = api
require 'kittn'

api = Kittn::APIClient.authorize!('meowmeowmeow')
import kittn

api = kittn.authorize('meowmeowmeow')
# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "api_endpoint_here"
  -H "Authorization: meowmeowmeow"
const kittn = require('kittn');

let api = kittn.authorize('meowmeowmeow');

Make sure to replace meowmeowmeow with your API key.

Kittn uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register a new Kittn API key at our developer portal.

Kittn expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: meowmeowmeow

Identity Card OCR

German Identity Card OCR

Card Field Recognition

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

        "CardNumber": "LO1X00T47",
        "Surname": "MUSTERMANN",
        "GivenNames": "ERIKA",
        "DateOfBirth": "01.08.2031",
        "PlaceOfBirth": "BERLIN",
        "DateOfExpiry": "01.08.2031",
        "Nationality": "DEUTSCH"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message CardNumber: card number
Surname: surname
GivenNames: given names
DateOfBirth: date of birth
PlaceOfBirth: place of birth
DateOfExpiry: date of expiry
Nationality: nationality

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Netherlands Identity Card OCR

Card Field Recognition

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

        "DocumentNo": "SPECI2021",
        "Surname": "De Bruijn",
        "GivenNames": "Willeke Liselotte",
        "Gender": "V/F",
        "DateOfBirth": "10 MAA/MAR 1965",
        "DateOfIssue": "02 AUG/AUG 2021",
        "DateOfExpiry": "02 AUG/AUG 2031",
        "Nationality": "Nederlandse"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message Surname: surname
GivenNames: given names
Gender: gender
DateOfBirth: date of birth
DocumentNo: document no
DateOfIssue: date of issue
DateOfExpiry: date of expiry
Nationality: nationality

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Norway Identity Card OCR

Card Field Recognition

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

        "Surname": "STENBYEN",
        "GivenNames": "SAMUND SPECIMEN",
        "Sex": "M",
        "Nationality": "Norsk/Norwegian",
        "DateOfBirth": "23 APR/APR 56",
        "Height": "179CM",
        "DocumentNo": "GDC000001",
        "CanNo": "164745",
        "DateOfExpiry": "11 JUN/JUN 26"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message Surname: surname
GivenNames: given names
Sex: gender
Nationality: nationality
DateOfBirth: date of birth
Height: height
DocumentNo: document no
CanNo: can no
DateOfExpiry: date of expiry

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Sweden Identity Card OCR

Card Field Recognition

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

        "Surname": "SPECIMEN",
        "GivenNames": "SVEA",
        "Sex": "K/F",
        "Nationality": "SVENSK/SWE",
        "DateOfBirth": "21 AUG/AUG 82",
        "PersonalId": "820821-2384",
        "Height": "170CM",
        "CardNo": "59000002",
        "DateOfIssue": "09 JUL/JUL 21",
        "DateOfExpiry": "09 JUL/JUL 26",
        "Authority": "POLISMYNDIGHETEN"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message Surname: surname
Surname: surname
GivenNames: given names
Sex: gender
Nationality: nationality
DateOfBirth: date of birth
PersonalId: persional id
Height: height
CardNo: card number
DateOfIssue: date of issue
DateOfExpiry: date of expiry
Authority: issuing agency

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

India Aadhaar OCR

Card Field Recognition

Front OCR

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

        "Name":"Sinch Poonam Sagar",

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for recognition id or name fail

    "status": "IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR",
    "message": "no id or name found"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message CardNumber: card number
DateOfBirth: date of birth
DownloadDate: download date
Gender: gender
IssueDate: the issue date
MobileNumber: mobile number
Name: user name
VID: vid number

Back OCR

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

        "City": "Sitapur",
        "Province": "Uttar Pradesh",
        "PostCode": "261131",
        "Address": "S/O: Jameel Khan, tikariya, Tikariya, Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh - 261131"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for recognition id or name fail

    "status": "IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR",
    "message": "no id or name found"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message Address: address
VID: vid number
CardNumber: card number
City: city name
Province: province name
PostCode: post code
Address: detail address info

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

India Pan OCR

card number + name recognition

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

        "FatherName":"MAHABUB ALI MAHAMMAD",
        "Name":"IRSHAD MAHAMMAD"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for recognition id or name fail

    "status": "IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR",
    "message": "no id or name found"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message CardNumber: card number
DateOfBirth: date of birth
FatherName: father name
Name: name

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Indonesia Identity Card OCR

license number + name recognition + id number

Code example:

import speedin

api = speedin.client('YOUR_ACCESS_KEY', 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY')
data = {"img": "BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE"}
url = ""
response = api.request(url, data)

Response for recognition success

  "status": "OK",
  "message": {
    "name": "HELLO NAME",
    "id": "3171024302821001",
    "pob": "GARESSI SUPPA",
    "dob": "01-01-1961",
    "gender": "LAKI-LAKI",
    "address": "BTN UNHALU BLOK C NO. 28",
    "rt": "006",
    "rw": "003",
    "village": "KAMBU",
    "district": "KAMBU",
    "religion": "ISLAM",
    "marital_status": "KAWIN",
    "nationnality": "WNI",
    "city": "KOTA KENDARI",
    "province": "SULAWESI TENGGARA"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR",
    "message": "no number or name found"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message id: ID card number, NIK
name: name
pob:place of birth,maybe empty
dob:date of birth,maybe empty
gender:gender,maybe empty
address:address,maybe empty
province:province,maybe empty
city:city,maybe empty
district:district,maybe empty
village:village,maybe empty
rt:leadership,maybe empty
rw:neighborhood committees,maybe empty
religion:religion,maybe empty
marital_status:marital status,maybe empty
work:work,maybe empty
nationnality:nationnality,maybe empty

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Thailand Identity Card OCR

id number + name recognition

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

        "cardTypeEn":"Thai National ID Card",
        "nameTh":"น.ส.  พรนภา ยิ่งเภตรา",
        "nameEn":"Miss. Ponnapa",
        "birthTh":"29 ม.ค. 2540",
        "birthEn":"29 Jan. 1997",
        "issueDateEN":"12 Apr. 2017",
        "issueDateTH":"12 เม.ย. 2560",
        "expiryDateEN":"22 Jun. 2025",
        "expiryDateTH":"22 มิ.ย. 2568",
        "address":"ที่อยู่ 125 หมู่ที่ 7 ต.ช้างขวา อ.กาญจนดิษฐ์"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for recognition id or name fail

    "status": "IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR",
    "message": "no id or name found"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message cardTypeTh: th card type
cardTypeEn: en card type
idNumber: id number
serialNumber: serial number
nameTh: name
nameEn: name
lastNameEn: last name of En
birthTh: birth day of th
birthEn: birth day of en
issueDateEN: en issuse date
issueDateTH: th issue date
expiryDateEN: expiry date
expiryDateTH: expiry date
religion: religion
address: address

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Mexico Identity Card OCR

id number + name recognition

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

    "status": "OK",
    "message": {
        "gender": "M",
        "idNumber": "MONY801107MTSLRR07",
        "voterId": "MLNRYR80110728M300",
        "fullName": "MOLINA NORATO YURI YERANIA",
        "fatherLastName": "MOLINA",
        "motherLastName": "NORATO",
        "name": "YURI YERANIA",
        "birthday": "15/07/1987",
        "issueYear": "2011",
        "expiryYear": "2021",
        "registrationYearAndMonth": "200101",
        "municipalNumber": "041",
        "postalCode": "87040",
        "placeNumber": "0001",
        "stateNumber": "28",
        "state": "TAMPS",
        "district": "VICTORIA",
        "addressAll": "AND 8 1121 INF ALDAMA 87040 VICTORIA ,TAMPS.",

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for recognition id or name fail

    "status": "IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR",
    "message": "no id or name found"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message idNumber: id number
fullName: name
fatherLastName:father lastName
motherLastName: mother lastName
name: name
birthday: birthday
gender: gender
expiryYear: expiry year
issueYear : issue year
voterId: voter id
placeNumber: place number
stateNumber: state number
municipalNumber: municipal number
state: state
district: district
addressAll: address
postalCode: postal code
registrationYearAndMonth: registration year and month

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Colombia Identity Card OCR

Card Field Recognition

Front OCR

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

	"CardNumber": "1.136.879.353",
	"Surname": "RUEDA PLATA",
	"GivenNames": "OSCAR FELIPE"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for recognition id or name fail

    "status": "IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR",
    "message": "no id or name found"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message CardNumber: card number
Surname: surname
GivenNames: given names

Back OCR

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

	"DateOfBirth": "17-ENE-1987",
	"Height": "1.72",
	"BloodType": "A+",
	"DateOfIssue": "16-FEB-2005",
	"PlaceOfIssue": "BOGOTA D.C.",
	"Gender": "M",

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for recognition id or name fail

    "status": "IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR",
    "message": "no id or name found"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message DateOfBirth: date of birth
Height: height
BloodType: blood type
DateOfIssue: date of issue
PlaceOfIssue: place of issue
Gender: gender
PlaceOfBirth: place of birth

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Driver License OCR

German Drivers Licence OCR

Card Field Recognition

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for recognition success

        "CardId": "B905 KODO168",
        "Surname": "Smith",
        "GivenNames": "John",
        "DateOfBirth": "15.10.90",
        "PlaceOfBirth": "Berlin",
        "DateOfIssue": "25.04.17",
        "DateOfExpiry": "24.04.32",
        "Address": "Landratsamt",
        "Class": "AM/B/L"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message CardNumber: card number
Surname: surname
GivenNames: given names
DateOfBirth: date of birth
PlaceOfBirth: place of birth
DateOfExpiry: date of expiry
Nationality: nationality
Address: address
Class: drivers licence class

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Thailand Drivers License OCR

license number + name recognition + id number

Code example:

import speedin

api = speedin.client('YOUR_ACCESS_KEY', 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY')
data = {"img": "BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE"}
url = ""
response = api.request(url, data)

Response for recognition success

        "cardTypeEn":"Driving License",
        "nameTh":"นาย  อนิรุต ทองรักอยู่",
        "nameEn":"MR. ANIRUT THONGRAKYU",
        "birthTh":"27 พฤษภาคม 2538",
        "birthEn":"27 May 1995",
        "issueDate":"24 December 2018",
        "expiryDate":"24 December 2020"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "FAIL",
    "message": "check input image and retry"

Response for recognition fail

    "status": "IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR",
    "message": "no number or name found"

Response for invalid request parameters

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "check request params"

Response for invalid image format

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT",
    "message": "image format not support"

Response for image size larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image. It is recommended that the image be less than 200KB, so it will be returned within 2 seconds, otherwise the return time will be longer.

Response format

fields description
status status code
message cardTypeTh: th card type
cardTypeEn: en card type
licenseNumber: license number
idNumber: id number
nameTH: th name
nameEn: en name
birthTh: birth day of th
birthEn: birth day of en
issueDate: issuse date
expiryDate: expiry date

Status code

status description
OK charge, success
FAIL free, image recognition error, please check input image
IMAGE_RECOGNIZE_ERROR free, image recognition error
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_FORMAT free, invalid image format, image format should be one of jpeg/jpg/png/bmp
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, invalid image size, should be less than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Face Comparison

Analyze the possibility of two faces belong to the same person. Using our face matching technology, you will get our judgment about whether it is the same person as well as a similarity score.

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img1=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE' \
--data-urlencode 'img2=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response example for same person

    "status": "OK",
    "message": {
        "similarity": 97.501,
        "result": "SAME PERSON"

Response example for not the same person

    "status": "OK",
    "message": {
        "similarity": 27.501,
        "result": "NOT SAME PERSON"

Response example for not sure

    "status": "OK",
    "message": {
        "similarity": 50.501,
        "result": "NOT SURE"

Response example for error request

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "error message"

Response example for uploaded image larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response example can not detect face


HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img1 string, first image in base64 encoded format
img2 string, second image in base64 encoded format

Response format

fields description
status status code
message similarity: similarity score, 0~100
result: judgment
IMAGEB_FACE_DETECT_FAILED: can not detect faces on the images

Status code

status description
OK charge, success, message.similarity contains the similarity score
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, image size larger than 2M
RETRY_LATER free, see message for details

Judgment description

result description
SAME PERSON the two images are belong to the same person
NOT SAME PERSON the two images are not belong to the same person
NOT SURE not sure

Hand-held ID Card Comparison

Analyze the possibility of the person holding the ID card and the photo of ID card belonging to the same person. Using our face matching technology, you will get our judgment about whether it is the same person as well as a similarity score.

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response example for same person

    "status": "OK",
    "message": {
        "similarity": 97.501,
        "result": "SAME PERSON"

Response example for not the same person

    "status": "OK",
    "message": {
        "similarity": 27.501,
        "result": "NOT SAME PERSON"

Response example for error request

    "status": "INVALID_REQUEST",
    "message": "error message"

Response example for uploaded image larger than 2M

    "status": "IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE",
    "message": "image larger than 2M"

Response example for wrong image, not ID holding image

    "status": "INVALID_FACE_NUM",
    "message": "0 faces found"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, base64 encoded image

Response format

fields description
status status code
message similarity: similarity score, 0~100
result: judgment

Status code

status description
OK charge, success, message.similarity contains the similarity score
INVALID_REQUEST free, invalid request parameters
IMAGE_INVALID_SIZE free, image size larger than 2M
INVALID_FACE_NUM free, not ID holding image
RETRY_LATER free, server error

Face Search

Search for the same face photos that have been added by face photos

1. add face image

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for generate token success


Response for detecting face failed


Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, use base64 to encode the face image

Response format

fields description
status status code, if status is OK, successfully add face image
message some message of the addition result
group_id: this is the add user group, actually it’s your access key
person_id: this is the unique personal id which you have added the personal face
person_count: the face count that you have added the same face

Status code

status description
OK free, successfully add face image, add face is free
FACE_DETECT_FAILED free, detect face failed
FAIL free, service inner error
RETRY_LATER free, server error

2. search the same face

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'img=BASE64_ENCODE_VALUE'

Response for generate token success


Response for detecting face failed


Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
img string, the base64 encode of the face image

Response format

fields description
status status code
message some message of the face search result
confidence: this is the confidence level of the searched face and the recognized face id
person_id: this is the personal id which you have added

Status code

status description
OK charge, success search the face image
FAIL free, not pass living recognition
RETRY_LATER free, server error
FACE_DETECT_FAILED free, not found face in this image

3. delete face

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'person_id=personId'

Response for delete face success

    "message": null

Response for input person id not exist


Response for server error

    "status": "RETRY_LATER",
    "message": "Service is not available right now, please try again later"

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
person_id string, `person id

Response format

fields description
status status code
message err description

Status code

status description
OK free, success delete face
PERSON_ID_NOT_EXIST free, input person id not exist
RETRY_LATER free, server error

WhatsApp Detail Detection

Check the details of the WhatsApp of the input global number, whether it is whatsapp account, status update time, signature, whether it is a corporate account, whether there is an avatar.

Code example:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'callback=https://YOUR_CALLBACK_URL' \
--data-urlencode 'number=81387300008'

Non-callback request (callback is empty), response for the input number have already registered whatsapp

    "status": "OK",
    "message": {
        "number": "+6284921089722",
        "whatsapp": "yes",
        "status_update": "20180825",
        "signature": "Saya suka global",
        "business_user": "no",
        "avatar": "yes"

Non-callback request (callback is empty), response for the input number not register whatsapp

    "status": "OK",
    "message": {
       "number": "+6284921089722",
       "whatsapp": "no"

Non-callback request (callback is empty), response for the input number is checking

    "status": "OK",
    "message": {
        "number": "+6284921089722",
        "whatsapp": "checking"

Return by callback address (callback address)

GET https://YOUR_CALLBACKURL/?number=%2B62813116594289&whatsapp=yes&status_update=20180825&signature=Saya+suka+global&business_user=no&avatar=yes

HTTP request


Request parameters

parameter description
number string, phone number
country string,Country abbreviation, Among them Philippines: PH, Vietnam: VN, India: IN
callback optional, string, callback url
servstatus optional, string, When the value is y, it will return unavailable once the service is unavailable

Response format

fields description
status status code
message number: phone number
whatsapp: conclusion
status_update: status update
signature: signature
business_user: business user
avatar: avatar

Callback method

When the field callback is not empty, it is returned to the callback URL once the result is queried. Please do not call back the same number multiple times. Return method is GET https://YOUR_CALLBACKURL/?number=%2B62813116594289&whatsapp=yes&status_update=20180825&signature=Saya+suka+global&business_user=no&avatar=yes

Status code

status description
OK the whatsapp value is checking, unavailable for free else charge, message contains the result
FAIL free, invalid query
INVALID_INPUT free, invalid input
RETRY_LATER free, server error, please try again later


The Kittn API uses the following error codes:


Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request sucks
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden – The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only
404 Not Found – The specified kitten could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
410 Gone – The kitten requested has been removed from our servers
418 I’m a teapot
429 Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too many kittens! Slow down!


Error Code Meaning
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.